National Gallery Nafplio - Jannis Psychopedis "Heroes of '21", Monday, July 22nd 2024

Γιάννη Ψυχοπαίδη Μαντώ & Δράκος

On Monday, July 22nd 2024, at the Annex of the National Gallery in Nafplio, the exhibition "Heroes of '21" by Yannis Psychopedis will be inaugurated, and will stay on display until February 28th 2025.

Yannis Psychopedis creates a gallery of portraits of "the heroes of '21", depicting the figures of the fighters without idealization. The heroes, through intense bright colors and through the black and white of the woodcut, are inscribed in the collective memory as bearers of the timeless message of freedom, proving that the echo of the Greek struggle of Independence remains ever strong and a source of inspiration for contemporary artists.
The gaze of "the heroes of '21" invites the viewer to reveal all those forces, that the heroes concealed within them, their feelings and thoughts, and at the same time a dialogue is attempted with the works of heroic depiction of the Greek Revolution, presented in the annex, giving tangible form to the historical character of the city of Nafplio.

Psychopedis Yannis
Yannis Psychopedis was born in Athens in 1945. He received a scholarship to study Engraving in the Athens School of Fine Arts (1963-1968) and then completed a postgraduate degree in Painting (1970-1976) in the Munich Academy of Fine Arts, with a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). After completing his degree, he continued living in Germany as a guest of the City of W. Berlin Cultural Programme.
In 1994 he was elected professor of the Athens School of Fine Arts. During the ‘60s he was member of the “A” Artistic Team in Athens and the visual arts team of the magazine “Epitheorisi Technis”. He was also a founding member of the "Young Greek Realists" group (1971-1973) and the Visual Arts Centre (1974-1976).
Since 1966, he has been showing his work in solo and group exhibitions in the main European capitals, in the USA and Japan (bio. by Zoumboulakis Galleries)

Psichopaidis Exhibition Nafplio

Curator of exhibition
Mrs. Lambrini Karakourti, curator of the National Gallery, Nafplio Annex

National Gallery, Annex of Nafplio - Alexandros Soutsos Museum
23, Sidiras Merarchias str. Nafplio, Τ. +30 27520 -21915 & -21935

Inauguration ceremony
Monday, July 22nd 2024, at 20:00

Duration of exhibition
July 22nd 2024, until February 28th 2025


Did you know that?
The works of the permanent collection of the Annex come from the collections of the National Gallery and the E. Koutlidis Foundation, as well as from the collections of the National Historical Museum (NHM), the Vasilis and Eliza Goulandris Foundation (VEGF), the Collection of the Antonios E. Komninos Foundation, and the Collection of Sotiris Felios, including works by Yiannis Psychopedis.

National Gallery Nafplio, Εθνική Πινακοθήκη Ναυπλίου

37.566151376291, 22.804446816444