Museum of Childhood "Stathmos"
The old well-maintained toys always give me a tender mood, but also a strong tendency to become a collector of old toys. It is the same feeling you have, when you take the old Alphabet's book in your hands...
If you belong to the same group of people, to whom everything old speaks to their souls, go to "Stathmos", to the warehouse of the old railway station, to see old and traditional toys (swings, skates, wooden horses) and objects of use (baby bottles, jingle bells).
So, at the recently renovated Museum of Childhood "Stathmos", the first of its kind in Greece (1989), the new exhibition, entitled "Pediothen..." (from childhood...) opened on February 2nd 2020. This includes toys and objects from the collection of the Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation "V. Papantoniou", mainly from the 19th and 20th centuries, relating to childhood. Through the different sections, we follow the evolution of life of children and their toys.
Among other things, copies of ancient toys, objects related to the birth, baptism and the first years of a child's life and many toys are on display.
You can also see two collections, one about the childhood of two girls born in 1938 and 1948, and the other about the choices of a collector with high aesthetic criteria and love for toys.
Visiting hours
Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday from 10.00 - 14.00
General admission: 3 €
Free: People under 12 and over 65, Students, ICOM cardholders, Supporters of PFF, Disabled, Certified tourist Guides, Unemployed
Educational Programs: 3 €
Single ticket, to visit the Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation - ''Vassilios Papantoniou'' Museum and the Museum of Childhood "Stathmos": 5 €
Park of Old Railway Station
T. +30 27520 28947