Vouleftiko - Educating audiences in Ancient Drama, April 15th 2019
The "Educating audiences in ancient drama" programme and the Action "Dialogues" continue on Monday, April 15th 2019, in the Vouleftiko (Old Parliament building) in Nafplio, with the actor Lydia Koniordou and the theatrologist Giorgos Sampatakakis, Assistant Professor at the Department of Theater Studies of the University of Patras, on the occasion of the performance Oedipus (based on Oedipus Tiranos by Sophocles) directed by Robert Wilson, to be performed at the Ancient Theater of Epidaurus on the 21st and 22nd of June 2019.
During the event, Mrs. Lydia Koniordou will talk about her collaboration with Robert Wilson. Giorgos Sambatakakis will make a retrospective of the director's work.
The Action was preceded by open discussions and workshops with the director Georgia Mavraganis, for the Eymenides of Aeschylus performance, and with Yiannis Kalavrianos, about "Iphigenia en Avlidi" of Euripides.
The Athens and Epidaurus Festival, aiming to renew the relationship with its audience and a re-investigation concerning the engaging, the performance and the concepts of ancient drama, continues for the third year now the programme "Educating audiences in Ancient Drama", in Argolis. Thus, within the framework of the Action "Dialogues", the public can reach the directors of Epidaurus performances and discuss issues of each play.
The venue
Vouleftiko (1st Parliament building) in Nafplio
Meeting time
18:00 - 21:00
The discussions and the open workshops of the Action “Dialogues” will continue in Vouleftiko, according to the following schedule:
May 6th 2019 - Sophia Paschou, director (Theogonia of Hesiod)
May 27th 2019 - Konstantinos Markoulakis, director (Oedipus Tyranos of Sophocles)
Did you know that?
The program is carried out by experienced drama teachers, theatrologists, directors and theater artists, under the scientific supervision and collaboration of the Athens and Epidaurus Festival and the Department of Theater Studies of the University of Peloponnese.
The actions are supervised by Georgina Kakoudaki, theatre theorist, director and Athens and Epidaurus Festival's co-curator for educational programmes; Christina Zoniou, who teaches acting at the Department of Theatre Studies, University of Peloponnese, and Angeliki Tsakona, theatre researcher and educator for the Creative Children workshop of the Athens & Epidaurus Festival.
The program “Educating audiences in Ancient Drama” of the Athens and Epidaurus Festival, is supported by the Municipality of Nafplio, under the auspices of the Regional Directory of Education of the Peloponnese, in collaboration with the Inspection of Antiquities of Argolis.