In March 2024, Fougaro Art Center welcomes the first presentation of the original performance "Theophilos", directed by Olia Lazaridou, for a limited number of performances at Fougaro Gallery.
The performance tells in first person the life and work of the great Greek folk painter Theophilos Hadjimichail, borrowing elements from popular spectacle, with a circus atmosphere and music, making it accessible to audiences of all ages.
Theophilus' psyche is very close to that of a child. It is no coincidence that in his life, his best friends were children. He organized them, dressed them and together they created outdoor performances, with works he made himself. The example of his life can be a valuable lesson for today's "different" children who may experience school bullying.
"The life of Theophilos is a fairytale. Exciting, yet instructive. In it, the innocence and sincerity of a child coexist with the seriousness and wisdom of a great teacher. Theophilos, this humble wandering painter, praised by Elytis, Seferis and so many others, was a fool in the eyes of the world - who listened to him say and do strange things. They laughed at him and made crude jokes at him. He coped with the mockery of the world, the teasing and irony of his difference by painting incessantly and letting his work speak for him. He never despaired, never cowed, never gave up painting! That was his secret weapon, as he says in the work at one point. He is a rare example of infinite creativity" (Olia Lazaridou).
Olia Lazaridou
She graduated from the Karolos Koun Art Theatre School. In her first steps at the Art Theatre as an actress, she performed in tragedies and in Goldoni's The Servant of Two Masters, directed by G. Lazanis. She also collaborated with Elli Lambeti in the play Filumena Marturano, directed by M. Bolognini. With the Jenny Karezi - Costas Kazakos company, in the play Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? directed by Jules Dassin, with whom she collaborated again the following year at the National Theatre, in Bernard Shaw's The House of Heartbreak. In 1986 she left for France, where she attended courses at the school of A. Vitez. She then returned and has worked with most of the older and newer directors of The Hellenic theatre in leading roles, such as Terzopoulos, Voyatzis, Houvardas, Papaioannou.
She has directed five plays, published three books of poetry and has been awarded three times for her performances in Greek cinema films.

Performance Information
Text: Samson Rakas
Direction: Olia Lazaridou
Cast: Emiliani Stavrianidis, Ariadne Konstantakopoulou
Set Design - Costumes: Katerina Giannaka
Lighting: Thomas Oikonomakos
70 minutes
Performance Dates - Times
Friday, March 22, 2024 - 8:00 PM
Sunday, March 24, 2024 - 7:00 PM
Saturday, March 30, 2024 - 8:00 PM
Sunday, March 31, 2024 - 7:00 PM
Regular ticket: €14
Student ticket: €12
Student ticket - from 8 up to 18 years old: €8
Information - Contact
Fougaro Art Center, 98, Asklipiou Ave., Nafplio GR 211-00 Argolis Greece
Secretariat Hours of Operation: Monday to Thursday 10:00 – 18:00
Τ +30 27520 47300 | +30 210 8070 523
Did you know that?
Theophilos Chatzimichail (born c. 1870, Vareia, near Mytilene, island of Lesbos; died in Vareia Greece, 24 March 1934), known simply as Theophilos, was a Greek folk painter and major contributor in modern Greek art. The main subject of his works are Greek characters and the illustration of Greek traditional folklore and history (Wikipedia).
The performance "Theophilos" is a co-production of ANTHOS-FOUGARO AMKE and NERA EIDA AMKE (Urban Non-Profit Companies).
After the performance and the discussion about good Art, it's time for beautiful music and relaxed conversation, with good company! Enter the Fougaro Café-Bistrot and enjoy it, with snacks or a meal and a fine glass of wine!